A downloadable game

Game currently not available to download, as server is being used to test stuff

Automon but you have to wait for the opponent to do his move as well

28 November update:

-Added a pre-match lobby

-More than 2 players can play in a match (currently limited to 8 just for bandwidth and sanity reasons, but let me know on Discord if you somehow have 8 friends and you really need a 9 player game, I'll change things around)

-Players now have limited lives, game is played until only one is alive

-Skip button for battles

-Added ability to play vs bots

-Areas now slowly disappear over the course of the game, forcing players to move to the center (Fortnite reference???)

-Encountered Automons are now remembered and can be viewed on map screen by hovering on the area

-5 more Automons implemented - Butterage, Craboil, Geldya (new ability btw), Goolect, Floatox

-Elemental attack, sent out and death animations


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